The life of a model: Commentary on 'How the LC4MP became the DHCCST'

Fisher, J.T., Huskey, R., Keene, J.R., & Weber

Handbook of Communication Science and Biology2020

The Limited Capacity Model of Motivated Mediated Message Processing (LC4MP) is a prominent model for investigating how human biological systems engage with and process messages. Dr. Lang’s (2019) chapter entitled “How the LC4MP Became The DHCCST: An Epistemological Fairy Tale” provides an engaging overview of the foundation and development of the LC4MP. In addition, Lang discusses her motivation for abandoning the LC4MP in favor of the Dynamic Human Centered Communication Systems Theory (DHCCST) and suggests that a recently-published review and update of the LC4MP misrepresents the model’s assumptions and predictions. In this commentary, we briefly respond to Lang’s arguments, highlighting the continued utility of the LC4MP for investigating human communication behavior.